Digital Assistant via Whatsapp Business

Digital Assistant via Whatsapp Business

Bring the company closer to its customers and dealers during a B2B event between real and digital.

The Client

New Holland Agriculture, a CNH Industrial company, provides a wide range of agricultural machinery and equipment, offers global presence, proximity to the customer through a strong network of dealers and leading solutions for profitable and sustainable agriculture.


Jesi Days is the annual New Holland Agriculture event in Italy dedicated to customers and dealers. Each day, one or more dealers are invited with their customers to a three-phases program: visit to the production plant in Jesi (Jesi Plant Customer Center), lunch in a farmhouse and field tests.

For the 2019 edition, New Holland wanted to give the event its own identity and to increase the level of engagement of the participants by keeping the interaction with the brand alive at all times during the day.

Digital Assistant

To achieve these goals, AND EMILI devised a Whatsapp digital assistant as a companion for the participants during the event, bringing greater value to their experience.

The daily planning included welcome messages, in-depth information on the products in sync with live activities, photos of the day, games, satisfaction surveys.

The interaction between the participants and the Digital Assistant unfolded throughout the whole day, starting before arriving at the location and ending on the journey home.


Broadcast Lists

April 2 - May 17



April 2 - May 17



April 2 - May 17


After analyzing the requirements and evaluating the available platforms, the technological choice fell on Whatsapp Business.

The reasons for the choice were basically two. First of all, since the app is widely used in Italy there was no need to request users to install additional software because in most cases Whatsapp was already present on their devices. Secondly, the features that the well-known messaging service offers in its version dedicated to companies.

Flexible management of the digital assistant was possible thanks to features such as:

  • broadcast lists, to group users by day of participation;
  • quick replies, used for standard messages;
  • automatic responses, for providing the best possible experience even when mobile network coverage was weak or absent;
  • business account, in order to make the tool consistent with New Holland Agriculture's corporate identity.

19 broadcast lists were therefore activated for 19 different event days, for communicating with about 900 users. During the entire period, more than 9,100 messages were sent.


The Digital Assistant was used in synergy with other digital tools such as Google Forms, the company website, the Facebook page and the Instagram profile. In this way, the participants lived an immersive experience in the brand's ecosystem.

Through the analysis of the individual platforms and the data emerging from surveys and quizzes, it was possible to measure the satisfaction of the participants both with respect to the event in general and to the individual products with which they interacted, with the purpose of collecting important feedback for the next marketing activities.

In the Client's Words

« Può sembrare strano, ma anche nel tradizionale mondo dell’agricoltura, dove tecniche e trucchi del buon agricoltore si tramandando di generazione in generazione, c’è una grande spinta verso la digitalizzazione. Gli eventi che propongono le classiche prove in campo dei mezzi agricoli che puntano a coinvolgere un vasto numero di clienti sono ormai superati. Nuovi strumenti di coinvolgimento e aggregazione sono diventati indispensabili per incentivare la partecipazione, avvicinare il brand e non annoiare. È con questo obiettivo che abbiamo chiesto ad AND EMILI di ideare un nuovo strumento che coinvolgesse i nostri ospiti da prima del loro arrivo fino al ritorno a casa, per fargli vivere un’esperienza a 360° marchiata New Holland. Il Digital Assistant è stato un successo! Esperienza sicuramente da ripetere e consigliata a chiunque volesse arricchire un’attività o un evento con i propri clienti.
Grazie a AND EMILI e a tutto il suo team! »

F. Z. - Marketing & Communication Manager New Holland Italia

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